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来源:http://www.jntfgd.com 日期:2020-07-06 发布人:admin

人人都知道通风管道的是必需品,但真正安装通风管道  你这真的了?吗?下面就跟随小编来了解一下安装通风管道:
Everyone knows that the ventilation pipe is a necessity, but do you really install the ventilation pipe? Is that right? Let's follow the small series to understand the professional installation of ventilation ducts:
1) For horizontal installation of air duct, the allowable deviation of levelness shall not be greater than 3 mm per M and the total deviation shall not be greater than 20 mm; for vertical installation of air duct, the allowable deviation of perpendicularity shall not be greater than 2 mm per m, and the total deviation shall not be greater than 20 mm.
2) The distance between pipe hanger and flange shall not be less than 20 mm. The length of flexible short pipe is 150 ~ 300 mm. The length of metal hose and non-metallic hose shall not be more than 2 m, and there is no dead bend or collapse.
3) The distance between the main air duct hanger and the branch pipe shall not be less than 200 mm.
4 )  法兰螺栓孔距低压送风不大于200mm,中压送风距离不大于100mm。5 )  风管弯头处、三通处、阀门处、必须加吊架、管道长度超过15m,防晃支架不得少于一个。
4) the distance between flange bolt hole and low pressure air supply is not more than 200 mm, and that of medium pressure air supply is not more than 100 mm. 5) hangers must be added at the elbow, tee joint and valve of air duct. The length of the pipe is more than 15m, and there shall be no less than one anti sway support.
6) 通风管道吊架距不保温风管边缘为30mm,距保温风管保温层边缘距离为30mm。
6) The distance between the hanger of ventilation duct and the edge of uninsulated air duct is 30mm, and the distance from the edge of thermal insulation layer of insulated air duct is 30mm.
7) 风管保温应平整,法兰处必须单独保温,法兰保温材料应与管道一致。风管水平度为3‰,垂直度2‰,总体偏差均不大于20mm。
7) The insulation of air duct should be flat, the flange must be separately insulated, and the insulation material of flange should be consistent with the pipe. The levelness of air duct is 3 ‰ and perpendicularity is 2 ‰, and the overall deviation is not more than 20 mm.
8) 风管与法兰压边宽度应为6~9mm,接触严密并顺直。
8) The blank holder width of air duct and flange shall be 6 ~ 9mm, and the contact shall be tight and straight.
9) For the flange connection of FRP air duct, the distance between flange bolts shall not be greater than 120mm, the flange spacing shall be uniform, the flange shall be flat, and the thickness of flange gasket shall be 3 ~ 5mm.
10) When the length of glass fiber reinforced plastic air duct is more than 20 meters, at least one fixed support shall be added. When the length of glass fiber reinforced plastic air duct exceeds 20 meters, expansion joint shall be added according to the design requirements.
11) The flexible connection shall be adopted at the place where the air duct passes through the expansion joint, and the length of the hose is the width of the expansion joint plus 100 mm. When the air duct insulation material is rock wool, the iron angle packing tape should be used, and the packing belt spacing should be 0.6 ~ 0.7m. The distance between supports and hangers of ventilation pipe with specification less than 400mm shall not be greater than 4m, and that of air duct with specification above 400mm shall not be greater than 3m
13 )  风管垂直安装,支架间距不大于4m,玻璃钢管不大于3m。
13) the air duct shall be installed vertically, and the support spacing shall not be greater than 4m, and the glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe shall not be greater than 3m.
14) 排风管道与屋面风机连接应垫6mm的橡胶垫,镀锌螺栓应加平光垫和弹簧垫圈。
14) 6 mm rubber pad shall be padded for the connection between exhaust pipe and roof fan, and flat smooth pad and spring washer shall be added for galvanized bolt.
15)室外铁皮风管保温应平整、光滑、咬口不小于20~25mm 。
15) The insulation of outdoor iron sheet air duct should be flat and smooth, and the bite size should not be less than 20 ~ 25mm.


  • 厨房排烟
  • 厨房排烟
  • 轴流风机
  • 不锈钢制品
