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来源:http://www.jntfgd.com 日期:2025-01-22 发布人:创始人


  Application of Square Tube in Automotive Structures


  Thin walled square tubes are often used as impact energy absorbers in automotive structures. Due to its ease of manufacturing and installation, high energy absorption capacity, and long travel, it has been widely used. However, the square tube will generate a high initial peak force during the initial compression process, which is its main disadvantage. To solve this problem, researchers propose to set origami patterns on the surface of the tube. The initial peak force, crushing force efficiency, and plastic specific energy absorption parameters of the tube with folded patterns were determined through finite element analysis of static and dynamic axial compression. The experimental results show that the origami pattern significantly improves the crushing performance of square tubes, reduces the initial peak force, and improves the crushing force efficiency, both under static and dynamic loading conditions.

  方形管在汽车结构中还可以引入复合蜂窝芯,以提高汽车的抗碰撞性能。通过数值研究复合蜂窝芯管在轴向压缩载荷下的破碎响应,讨论了其能量吸收特性,如变形或折叠模式、破碎 / 反应力、破碎行程和能量曲线等。

  Square tubes can also incorporate composite honeycomb cores into automotive structures to enhance their collision resistance. By numerically studying the fracture response of composite honeycomb core tubes under axial compression loads, the energy absorption characteristics, such as deformation or folding modes, fracture/reaction forces, fracture stroke, and energy curves, were discussed.



  Application of square tube in solar water heater

  太阳能热水器是利用太阳能进行水加热的设备,其中方管形状的太阳能热水器具有一定的优势。在设计太阳能热水器时,其性能受到多种因素的影响,如朝向太阳的方向、尺寸、类型(主动或被动)、集热板材料、吸收板厚度和形状、水管的材料和形状等。在当前的研究中,采用了尺寸为 0.5×0.5 英寸横截面、1 米长的方管,并使用 K 型热电偶测量水出口温度和管体温度,获得的最高温度为 49°C

  Solar water heater is a device that uses solar energy to heat water, among which square tube shaped solar water heaters have certain advantages. When designing a solar water heater, its performance is influenced by various factors, such as the direction towards the sun, size, type (active or passive), collector plate material, absorber plate thickness and shape, water pipe material and shape, etc. In the current study, a square tube with a cross-section of 0.5 × 0.5 inches and a length of 1 meter was used, and K-type thermocouples were used to measure the water outlet temperature and tube body temperature. The highest temperature obtained was 49 ° C

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