广泛用于酒店,商场,纺织,化纤,石油化工,机械制造,外观,电子,医药,烟草,食品,医疗,仓储,办公楼及地铁,人防,地下室等供气,排风工程 ,排烟管特殊构造的通风管道,需要防火。
Widely used in hotels, shopping malls, textiles, chemical fiber, petrochemical industry, machinery manufacturing, appearance, electronics, medicine, tobacco, food, medical treatment, storage, office buildings and subway, civil air defense, basement and other air supply, exhaust engineering, smoke exhaust pipe special structure of ventilation pipe, need fire prevention.
产品特性无机玻璃钢不燃风管特点:重量轻,强度高,不燃,抗老化,耐腐蚀,耐腐蚀,密封性能好,外形美观,安装简单,使用寿命长; 使用的原始数据是无机材料,遇火时不会燃烧,具有出色的防火性能,耐酸,碱和盐分,可用于不同的区域气候条件。
Product features: inorganic glass fiber reinforced plastic non combustible duct features: light weight, high strength, non combustible, anti-aging, corrosion resistance, corrosion resistance, good sealing performance, beautiful appearance, simple installation and long service life. The raw data used are inorganic materials, which do not burn when exposed to fire, and have excellent fire resistance, acid, alkali and salt, which can be used in different regional climate conditions.
特别是在空气中盐度高的沿海地区以及有或含有挥发性介质(例如化学品,药品,烟草和化纤)的职业,可以更好地表现出其耐腐蚀性能; 该产品无毒,无味,无石棉。 无挥发性介质,无尘埃,经卫生部门检查,对人体无害。

Especially in coastal areas with high air salinity and occupations with or containing volatile media (such as chemicals, drugs, tobacco and chemical fiber), it can better show its corrosion resistance; the product is non-toxic, tasteless and asbestos free. No volatile medium, no dust, no harm to human body after inspection by health department.
对应gb / 5465-1985“不燃材料试验方法”,是代替传统产品的防火材料。 内外壁润滑,低风道阻力,送风时无二次噪音,降低能耗,节省运行成本; 产品可以现场制造,可以切开,可以钻孔,可以打开,装置简单,节省了劳力和时间,减少了用户的资金,缩短了工期。
Corresponding to GB / 5465-1985 "test method for incombustible materials", it is a fire-proof material instead of traditional products. Internal and external wall lubrication, low air duct resistance, no secondary noise during air supply, reduce energy consumption, save operation cost; the product can be manufactured on site, cut, drilled, opened, simple device, save labor and time, reduce the funds of users, and shorten the construction period.