A good family living environment is of great help to people's physical and mental health. Now, many family residential kitchens smoke from home, which has a greater impact on the environment. Therefore, many families are required to install kitchen smoke exhaust pipes, which is of great help to the kitchen smoke exhaust, but sometimes there will be problems of smoke exhaust when using What is a class?
Understand the installation site residential flue problems and types
烟道是住宅通风系统的重要部分,建设部1999年公布的《住宅设计规范》规范了烟道的设计。 但是,许多楼盘还存在无烟道设计的问题,小区住宅降烟、合味、交叉污染情况严重。
Flue is an important part of residential ventilation system. The design of flue is regulated by "residential design code" published by the Ministry of construction in 1999. However, there are many problems in the design of smoke-free road in many buildings. The smoke reduction, taste and cross pollution of residential buildings are serious.
1、 Causes of poor exhaust pipe in kitchen
根据《民用建筑设计通则》,烟道从屋顶出来的高度在0.6米以上。 但是,这个规定的执行情况也有不同的地方。 建设烟道的住宅设计的烟道类型单一,容易引起油烟的逆流、混色。 另外,有些楼盘为了扩大厨房面积,缩小垂直烟道的横截面积,没有机械排烟装置,排烟系统流量小,排烟不好。
According to the general principles for design of civil buildings, the height of flue coming out of the roof is more than 0.6 meters. However, the implementation of this regulation is also different. The type of flue in residential design of building flue is single, which is easy to cause countercurrent and color mixing of lampblack. In addition, some buildings in order to expand the kitchen area, reduce the cross-sectional area of the vertical flue, there is no mechanical smoke exhaust device, smoke exhaust system flow is small, smoke exhaust is not good.
Jinan hotel kitchen smoke hood
2、 Understand the classification of smoke exhaust pipe in Jinan kitchen
Now residential flue is divided into single flue type, primary and secondary type, variable pressure type, check valve type.
1、单烟道式:由装修简单的矩形烟管构成,垂直横穿各层住宅,各层住宅有连接抽油烟机的吸气口,底层用一个补气口补气。 其原理是,各层的排烟被抽油烟机按压,将油烟排出烟道,由于排烟温度的作用,烟道产生上升浮力,从屋顶出来的吹出口排出排烟。
1. Single flue type: it is composed of rectangular smoke pipes with simple decoration, and it runs through the residence of each floor vertically. There is an air inlet connecting the range hood in each floor of the residence, and one air filling port is used for air supply at the bottom floor. The principle is that the smoke exhaust of each layer is pressed by the range hood to discharge the oil smoke out of the flue. Due to the effect of smoke exhaust temperature, the flue will produce upward buoyancy, and exhaust smoke from the vent coming out of the roof.
2、主次式:主次式烟道截面由两个并列矩形烟管组成,垂直横穿各层。 二次烟道在住宅的各层设置连接抽油烟机的吸气口,二次烟道和主烟道离吸气口以一定的距离合流,主烟道的底部有补风口。 其原理是通过抽油烟机将烟推入二次烟道,通过抽油烟机的推进力和油烟温度上的浮力使油烟上升一段时间后进入从主烟道排出屋顶。
2. Primary and secondary type: the cross section of the primary and secondary flue is composed of two parallel rectangular flue pipes, which cross each layer vertically. The secondary flue is connected with the suction port of range hood in each floor of the residence. The secondary flue and the main flue converge at a certain distance from the suction port, and there is a supplementary air outlet at the bottom of the main flue. The principle is that the smoke is pushed into the secondary flue by the range hood, and the oil fume rises for a period of time by the propulsion force of the range hood and the buoyancy of the oil fume temperature, and then enters into the main flue and discharges to the roof.
3、变压式:各层烟道为不同的截面形式,下层烟道通过主次烟道排气,靠近屋顶的烟道像单烟道一样起作用,将油烟直接排放到烟道中。 其目的是通过改变烟道的截面形式,利用烟气流动的各种物理规律,保持气流向上运动,有效地防止烟气逆流和相互作用。
3. Variable pressure type: the flue of each layer has different cross-section. The lower flue exhausts through the primary and secondary flue, and the flue close to the roof acts like a single flue to directly discharge the oil fume into the flue. The purpose is to change the cross-section form of flue gas and make use of various physical laws of flue gas flow to keep the air flow upward and effectively prevent the reverse flow and interaction of flue gas.
上一篇:选择山东通风管道的六大因素 看这里!