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来源:http://www.jntfgd.com 日期:2023-06-19 发布人:admin

1. 风管吊装前应坚持各支架安装位置、标高是否正确、牢固,应清除内、外杂物,并做好清洁和保护工作。
1. Before lifting the air duct, it is necessary to ensure that the installation position and elevation of each bracket are correct and firm. Internal and external debris should be removed, and cleaning and protection work should be done well.
According to the fire protection construction plan, the lifting method is determined (overall lifting or segmented lifting, usually using on-site ground assembly and then segmented lifting for the installation of air ducts), and the lifting is carried out according to the installation procedure of starting with the main pipe and then the branch pipe.
Hoisting can be carried out using pulleys or hemp ropes, which are usually hung on nodes of beams and columns, or on roof trusses.
2. 据现场具体情况,挂好滑轮,穿上麻绳,风管绑扎牢固后即可开始起吊。
2. According to the specific situation on site, hang the pulley, put on the hemp rope, and tie the air duct firmly before starting the lifting.
When the lifting distance of the air duct is 200-300mm from the ground, the lifting should be stopped and the force point of the pulley and the hemp rope and rope buckle tied should be checked for firmness, and the center of gravity of the air duct should be correct. After checking that there are no problems, continue to lift to the installation height, and place the air duct on the support and hanger, and then secure it before loosening the rope buckle.
3. 当水平管段吊装就位后,应用托架的衬垫、吊架的吊杆螺栓找平,然后用拉线、水平尺和吊线的方法来哦检查风管是否满足水平和垂直的要求,符合要求后即可固定牢固,然后进行分支管或立管的安装。
3. After the horizontal pipe section is lifted in place, the cushion of the bracket and the suspension rod bolts of the suspension bracket should be leveled, and then the air duct should be checked to see if it meets the horizontal and vertical requirements using methods such as pulling wires, leveling rods, and suspension wires. Once it meets the requirements, it can be fixed firmly, and then the branch or riser should be installed.


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