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来源:http://www.jntfgd.com 日期:2024-09-21 发布人:创始人


  Installation process of ventilation duct engineering 1 Construction preparation of ventilation duct engineering


  1. Working conditions


  (1) The installation of general air supply fan systems and air conditioning systems should be carried out after the construction of the building envelope structure is completed, obstacles have been cleared, and there are no debris on the ground.20190610092947300


  (2) The installation of the air purification system should be carried out on the floor where the components are installed inside the building, the walls have been plastered, and there is no dust flying or dust prevention measures in the room.


  (3) The installation of air ducts for general dust removal systems should be carried out after the installation of process equipment in the factory or when the equipment foundation has been determined and the orientation of the equipment connectors and covers is known.


  (4) The position and size of the reserved holes on site should meet the requirements of the drawings, and each side should be 100mm larger than the actual cross-section.


  (5) The work site should have corresponding auxiliary facilities, such as ladders, shelves, safety protection, fire-fighting equipment, and technical, quality, and safety briefings for construction workers.


  2. Material requirements


  (1) All installation materials should have factory certificates of conformity, quality appraisal documents, and product lists.


  (2) Finished air ducts are not allowed to have defects such as deformation, distortion, cracking, holes, flange detachment, open welding, missing rivets, or missing bolt holes


  (3) The installed valve body, air outlet and other components should be checked for flexibility of the adjustment device, and for damage to the sound-absorbing film and paint layer.


  (4) The materials used for installation: bolts, nuts, washers, gaskets, sealing strips, self tapping screws, rivets, welding rods, various canvases, non-woven fabrics, nails, and expansion bolts should meet the product quality requirements.


  3. The main tools include: hand hammer, electric hammer, hand drill, hand saw, electric double-edged shear, grinding wheel saw, angle grinder, bench drill, electrical welding tool, wrench, screwdriver, hand shear, reverse chain, high stool, rope, pointed punch, nail gun, brush, etc.

  2通风管道工程工艺流程1、镀锌薄钢管风管制作展开下料 → 剪切 → 倒角→ 咬口制作 → 风管折方 → 成型 → 法兰下料 → 法兰焊接 → 法兰打眼冲孔 → 铆接翻边;2、镀锌薄钢管风管、不锈钢风管安装风管搬运 → 支吊架安装 → 干管安装 → 立管安装 → 支管安装 → 漏光及漏风量检测 → 隐蔽工程验收 → 防腐保温 → 单机调试 → 综合调试;3、HDPE双壁波纹管安装材料验收 → 风管下料 → 制作 → 焊接 → 加固 → 测试 → 隐蔽工程验收 → 调试。

  2. Process flow of ventilation duct engineering: 1. Production and unfolding of galvanized thin steel pipe air duct ->cutting ->chamfering ->bite production ->duct folding ->forming ->flange cutting ->flange welding ->flange drilling and punching ->riveting and flanging; 2. Installation and transportation of galvanized thin steel pipe and stainless steel pipe, installation of support and hanger, installation of main pipe, installation of vertical pipe, installation of branch pipe, detection of light and air leakage, acceptance of concealed works, anti-corrosion and insulation, single machine commissioning, comprehensive commissioning; 3. HDPE double wall corrugated pipe installation material acceptance → duct cutting → fabrication → welding → reinforcement → testing → concealed engineering acceptance → commissioning.


  3. Operation process of ventilation duct engineering: 1. Determine the elevation of the air duct according to the design requirements and refer to the civil engineering reference line.

  2、制作、吊架(1)按照风管系统所在的空间位置,确定风管的支吊架开式并参照华北标办图集《通风与空调工程:91SB6》的用料规格和做法制作。(2)风管支、吊架的制作应注意的问题:① 支架的悬臂、吊架的吊铁采用角钢或槽钢制成,斜撑的材料为角钢,吊杆采用圆钢,扁铁用来制作抱箍。② 钢材切断和打孔,不应使用氧气—乙炔切割。支架的焊缝必须饱满。③ 吊杆圆钢应根据风管安装标高适当截取,两端套丝不宜过长。④ 支吊架制作完毕后,应进行除锈和刷防锈漆。

  2. Production and hanger (1) Determine the support and hanger opening of the air duct according to the spatial position of the air duct system, and refer to the material specifications and methods in the North China Standard Atlas "Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering: 91SB6" for production. (2) Precautions for the fabrication of air duct supports and hangers: ① The cantilever of the support and the hanging iron of the hanger are made of angle steel or channel steel, the slant support is made of angle steel, the suspender is made of round steel, and the flat iron is used to make hoop. ② Oxygen acetylene cutting should not be used for cutting and punching steel. The weld seam of the bracket must be full The round steel of the suspension rod should be cut appropriately according to the installation elevation of the air duct, and the threading at both ends should not be too long After the production of the support and hanger is completed, rust removal and anti rust paint should be applied.


  (3) Setting of suspension points: using expansion bolt method: characterized by flexible, accurate, and fast construction.


  3. Install hangers


  (1) According to the centerline of the air duct, locate the position for laying the suspension rod. A single suspension rod can be installed on the centerline of the air duct, while a double suspension rod can be installed symmetrically according to the spacing between the screw holes on the tray or the centerline of the air duct.


  (2) The suspension rod is screwed onto the channel steel hanger with a nut according to the form of the hanger.


  (3) When the air duct is long and a row of brackets need to be installed, the two ends can be installed first, and then the elevation of the middle bracket can be found using the wire drawing method based on the brackets at both ends for installation.


  (4) When installing the riser pipe clamp, the topmost pipe fitting should be fixed first, and then a plumb bob should be used to hang the line at the center. The lower pipe clamp can be fixed according to the line.

  (5)支、吊架安装应注意的问题:① 支、吊架的标高必须正确,如圆形风管管径由大变小,为保证风管中心线水平,支架型钢上表面标高,应作相应提高。② 风管支吊架间距如无设计要求时,对不保温风管应符合表2的要求。对于保温风管、支、吊架间距无设计要求时,按表2间距要求值乘以0、85。螺旋风管的支、吊架间距可以适当增加。③ 支吊架不得安装在风口、阀门检查孔等处,以免妨碍操作,吊架不得直接吊在法兰上。④ 保温风管不能直接与支吊架接触,应垫上坚固的隔热材料、其厚度与保温相同,防止产生"冷桥"。

  (5) Attention should be paid to the installation of supports and hangers: ① The elevation of supports and hangers must be correct. For example, if the diameter of a circular air duct changes from large to small, in order to ensure that the centerline of the air duct is horizontal, the elevation of the upper surface of the support steel should be correspondingly increased. ② If there are no design requirements for the spacing between air duct supports and hangers, non insulated air ducts should comply with the requirements in Table 2. When there are no design requirements for the spacing between insulated ducts, supports, and hangers, multiply the spacing requirements in Table 2 by 0 and 85. The spacing between the supports and hangers of spiral ducts can be appropriately increased Support hangers shall not be installed at air vents, valve inspection holes, etc. to avoid hindering operation, and hangers shall not be directly hung on flanges Insulated ducts should not be in direct contact with supports and hangers, and should be padded with sturdy insulation material of the same thickness as the insulation to prevent the formation of "cold bridges".


  4. Installation of PVC ducts: PVC ducts also use support and hanging brackets like steel plate ducts, but generally rely on hangers. The spacing between brackets should be made and installed according to requirements, but the following points need to be done:


  (1) When the branch pipe is long, a bracket should be installed near one end of the pipe.


  (2) The clamp of the bracket should be made with a certain gap between it and the air duct to facilitate the expansion and contraction of the air duct.


  5. Installation and arrangement of air ducts


  (1) To ensure the tightness of the flange interface, there should be padding between the flanges for flange connection.

  (2)垫料8501密封胶带使用方法① 将风管法兰表面的异物和积水清理掉,并擦干净。② 从法兰一角开始粘贴胶带,胶带端头应略长于法兰。③ 沿法兰均匀平整地粘贴,并在粘贴过程中用手将其按实,不得脱落,接口处要严密,各部位均不得凸人风管内,沿法兰粘贴一周后与起端交叉搭接,剪去多余部分。④ 剥去隔离纸。

  (2) Instructions for using gasket 8501 sealing tape: ① Clean the foreign objects and accumulated water on the surface of the air duct flange and wipe it clean. ② Starting from one corner of the flange, stick the tape, and the end of the tape should be slightly longer than the flange Paste evenly and smoothly along the flange, and press it firmly by hand during the pasting process without falling off. The interface should be tight, and no part should protrude into the air duct. After pasting along the flange for one week, cross and overlap with the starting end, and cut off the excess part Peel off the isolation paper.


  (3) When connecting flanges, it is required to specify the padding, align the two flanges, thread the bolts and nuts (note: the nuts should be on the same side), and temporarily do not tighten them until all the bolts are threaded, then tighten the bolts. After connecting the air duct, the flanges at both ends should be used as a reference. Use a wire to check if the air duct connection is straight.

  (4)垫法兰垫料和法兰连接时,应注意的问题:① 正确选用垫料,避免用错垫料。② 法兰表面应干净无异物。③ 法兰垫料不能挤入或凸入管内,否则会增大流动阻力,增加管内积尘。④ 法兰连接后,严禁往法兰缝隙填塞垫料。⑤ 连接法兰的螺母应在同一侧。⑥ 不锈钢法兰连接用螺栓,宜用同材质不锈钢螺栓。⑦ 铝板风管法兰连接应采用镀锌螺栓,并在法兰两侧垫镀锌垫圈。⑧ 聚氯乙烯风管法兰和玻璃钢法兰连接采用镀锌螺栓。

  (4) When using gasket materials and flange connections, attention should be paid to the following issues: ① Select the gasket materials correctly to avoid using the wrong ones. ② The flange surface should be clean and free of foreign objects The flange gasket should not be squeezed or protruding into the pipe, otherwise it will increase the flow resistance and increase the accumulation of dust inside the pipe After flange connection, it is strictly prohibited to fill the gap of the flange with padding. ⑤ The nuts connecting the flanges should be on the same side Stainless steel flange connection bolts should be made of the same material as stainless steel bolts The flange connection of aluminum plate air ducts should use galvanized bolts, and galvanized washers should be placed on both sides of the flange The connection between PVC duct flange and fiberglass flange adopts galvanized bolts.

  (5)风管排列无法兰连接① 抱箍式连接:主要用于钢板圆风管和螺旋风管连接,先把每一管段的两端轧出鼓筋,并使其一端缩为小口。安装时按气流方向把小口插入大口,外面用钢制抱箍将两个端的鼓箍抱紧连接,用螺栓穿在耳环中间固定拧紧。② 插接式连接:主要用于矩形或圆形风管连接。先制作连接管,然后插入两侧风管,再用拉铆钉将其紧密固定。③ 插条式连接:主要用于矩形风管连接。将不同形式的插条插入风管两端,然后压实。其形状和接管方法见图。④ 软管式连接:主要用于风管与部件(如散热器、静压箱侧送风口等)的相连。安装时,软管两端套在连接的管外,然后用特别软卡把软管箍紧。

  (5) Air duct arrangement without flange connection ① Clamp type connection: mainly used for connecting steel plate round air ducts and spiral air ducts. First, roll out bulging ribs at both ends of each pipe section and shrink one end into a small mouth. During installation, insert the small opening into the large opening in the direction of the airflow, and use steel clamps to tightly connect the two ends of the drum hoops. Finally, use bolts to secure and tighten them in the middle of the earrings Plug in connection: mainly used for connecting rectangular or circular air ducts. First, make the connecting pipe, then insert the air ducts on both sides, and tightly fix them with rivets Strip connection: mainly used for connecting rectangular ducts. Insert different forms of inserts into both ends of the air duct and compact them. The shape and connection method are shown in the figure. ④ Flexible hose connection: mainly used for connecting air ducts and components (such as radiators, static pressure box side air outlets, etc.). During installation, the two ends of the hose should be placed outside the connected pipe, and then the hose should be tightened with a special soft clamp.


  6. According to the on-site situation, the installation of air ducts can be connected to a length on the ground and placed in place by lifting. Alternatively, the air ducts can be placed section by section on the bracket and connected section by section. The general order is to start with the main pipe and then proceed with the branch pipe. The installation of risers is generally done from bottom to top. After installation, level and align to meet the design requirements. Attention should be paid to the installation of air ducts:


  (1) When the air duct cannot be connected by flange, the interface should be tight and firm. Rectangular air ducts must have positioning and sealing measures at the four corners. The connection between the two planes of the air duct should be straight, without misalignment or distortion.


  (2) Circular air ducts installed on brackets should be equipped with brackets.


  (3) Rainproof cover should be installed when the air duct passes outside the roof.


  (4) Ducts that are prone to condensation during transportation should be installed at the slope required by the design. There should be no longitudinal seams at the bottom of the air duct. If there are seams, they should be sealed.


  (5) The connection between steel plate air ducts and brick or concrete air ducts should conform to the direction of airflow. The joint surface between the air duct and the air duct must be sealed.


  (6) The support and hanger of the insulated air duct should be located outside the insulation layer and should not damage the insulation layer.


  (7) When the air supply duct and the main pipe are vertically connected, an air guide adjustment device should be installed at the interface.


  7. After the installation of the air duct is completed, the tightness inspection of the air duct should be carried out according to the system pressure level. The air leakage rate should comply with the requirements of the national standard "Code for Construction Acceptance of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Engineering" GB50243-2002. The tightness inspection of the system should comply with the provisions of Appendix A of GB50243-2002 for light leakage method detection and air leakage rate testing. The tightness inspection of low-voltage systems should be carried out by sampling, with a sampling rate of 5% and no less than one system sampled. When the processing technology and light leakage detection are not qualified, air leakage testing should be conducted according to the prescribed sampling rate. The tightness inspection of the medium voltage system should be carried out under strict light leakage detection conditions, with a sampling rate of 20% for the air leakage of the system ducts, and no less than one system should be sampled. All high-voltage systems should undergo air leakage testing. The system's air duct leakage test should be fully qualified for all sampled systems. If there are any non conformities, double the sampling should be carried out until all are qualified.8、成品保护

  8. Finished product protection


  (1) The installed air duct should ensure a smooth and clean surface, and outdoor air ducts should have rain and snow protection measures.


  (2) When the air duct extends into the structural air duct, a steel mesh should be installed at its end to prevent debris from entering the metal air duct during system operation. The gaps between metal ducts and structural air ducts should be tightly sealed.


  (3) When the air duct passes through the settlement joint, a sleeve should be added according to the design requirements, and the gap between the sleeve and the air duct should be tightly sealed with filler (soft).


  (4) When transporting and installing stainless steel and aluminum plate ducts, the phenomenon of scratching the surface should be avoided, and contact with iron objects should be minimized as much as possible during installation.


  (5) When transporting and installing valve components, precautions should be taken to avoid deformation of the actuator and blades caused by collisions. Outdoor storage should have measures to prevent rain and snow.

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